Promoting a global culture of solidarity with the poor - in Haiti, Africa, and beyond. - for a more just and sustainable world   .  .  .  

​​Rich in Mercy Institute

The community has developed a plan to replace this structure with a sturdy building that would provide three new classrooms, a small office, and a storage room.  The new building will enhance the children’s learning and development as they study in a building that is structurally sound, with adequate space and protection from the winds and rains.  The estimated cost of the building is $32,000, based on the exchange rate in early March 2020.

To contribute to the Datcha project click on DONATE NOW and select Togo School project!

The Datcha School Construction Project is a collaboration among Dr. Kimberly Baker,

Fr. Odilon Kofi, SMA, and the Rich in Mercy Mission Institute.

SOLIDARITY in West Africa:  School Construction!

Datcha is a small, rural village in Togo (West Africa) which is ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world.  Building on successful pubic health projects to provide a water well and latrines, the community plans to construct a classroom building for the village school.  The school serves grades 1-6, with about 70 students per grade  The school has two buildings with three classrooms each, one room for each grade.     

Click HERE to download a .pdf article about St. Meinrad professor, Dr. Kimberly Baker, and her efforts to bring clean water and improved sanitation to Datcha village!

One of the school buildings is a shelter that is in near total disrepair.  The roof leaks during the rainy season.  The crowded classrooms lack side walls, leaving the children and their materials vulnerable to dust as well as distractions from the outside.