Promoting a global culture of solidarity with the poor - in Haiti, Africa, and beyond. - for a more just and sustainable world   .  .  .  

​​Rich in Mercy Institute

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centers for young women, orphanages, homes for the elderly, farms, and adult education.

The Rich in Mercy Institute provides general support for the Little Sisters’ ministries in conjunction  with the OSP-IHM Haiti Committee (Oblate Sisters of Providence Maryland and Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Michigan and Pennsylvania) who are long time partners with the Little Sisters.

Little Sisters of St. Therese: Barraderes Programs

Little Sisters of St. Therese:  General Support

Rich in Mercy (RIM) provides financial support for the Barraderes Project which provides food support (rations of rice, beans, sugar and oil) to 300 elderly residents who are “at risk” for malnutrition and chronic hunger. Food is distributed monthly based on available supplies.  Additionally the project provides basic health care for “seniors” and classes in embroidery, cooking, and sewing for local youth. 

Little Sisters of St. Therese

The Little Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus are an indigenous order of Haitian religious women devoted to educating poor children and adults; teaching environmentally sound agricultural techniques; helping meet medical needs; and providing programs for the promotion of women. They have over 200 members and 42 missions scattered throughout Haiti, working with almost 150,000 Haitians each year in their elementary and secondary schools, teacher preparation center, hospitals, clinics, agricultural training center, professional