Promoting a global culture of solidarity with the poor - in Haiti, Africa, and beyond. - for a more just and sustainable world   .  .  .  

​​Rich in Mercy Institute

Each student chooses one of four trades - tailoring, masonry, carpentry or agro-vet.  They receive hands on, technical training in their chose vocation that allows them to return home with a useful trade that can be practiced in their own villages leading to a more meaningful life. Though every student chooses one trade, they share responsibilities for life at the whole school. The wash their own clothes, take turns cooking, cleaning, working in the garden, and milking the cows. Students live at the Center, receive medical, orthopedic and mobility evaluations, treatment and surgery if needed, and orthopedic and/or medical equipment as needed. After the 18th month program is complete, students return to their home villages with tools needed to continue their new profession. These tools are gifted to them by OVTC and are often presented during a celebration in their home villages. 

Persons with physical or mental handicaps in the local Tanzanian culture are frequently ostracized and excluded from normal day-to-day activities in their villages. Without skill development and education, handicapped people often lead a lonely life with no opportunity for the rewards of being productive members of society.  In 1989, the Olkokola Vocational Training Center (OVTC) opened its doors in hopes of helping those with physical disabilities in and around the Arusha region of northern Tanzania to grow from dependency to interdependency in all aspects of their life. 

From Dependency to Interdependency.