Promoting a global culture of solidarity with the poor - in Haiti, Africa, and beyond. - for a more just and sustainable world   .  .  .  

​​Rich in Mercy Institute

Wynne Farm Ecology Center

Rich in Mercy supports the environmental education and conservation efforts of the Wynne FarmEcological Preserve(Kenscoff, Haiti) through shared expertise and contacts, bio-intensive gardening training, and seed and plant sharing.

Environment:  Caring for Our Common Home

Plastic Trash Transformation

Port au Prince produces a shocking amount of plastic trash that litters streets, clogs water canals, and overwhelms the capacity of municipal waste removal.  A modest Rich in Mercy grant helped launch an initiative of the Association of the Franciscan Familyto transform plastic waste into economically valuable products such as floor tiles, building blocks, and roofing tiles using technologies developed and implemented in Brazil by Veiga Maquinas, S.A.  The initiative partners with other religious congregations and sectors of the municipal government of Port au Prince.

Verdant Haiti Project

Rich in Mercy(RIM) provides fiscal sponsorship for the VERDANT HAITI project, a collaboration between the Pierre Toussaint and Mother Mary Lange Center (Jersey City, NJ) and the Little Sisters of St. Therese to address severe deforestation in the Fort Liberte region of Haiti's North East.  Click here to download a .pdf flyer with more information about Verdant Haiti!

Make a contribution through the RIM DONATE NOWpage.  Designate Verdant Haiti and 100% of funds will be used for reforestation in Haiti.